arab Codex Initiative

To enhance Codex capacity in the Arab region.

Introductory Video


The Arab Codex Initiative is a capacity building project implemented by GFoRSS – the Global Food Regulatory Science Society – in collaboration with the Food Risk Analysis and Regulatory Excellence Platform (PARERA) of Université Laval. It aims to enhance Codex competencies in the Arab region, to promote effective participation of the region’s delegations in international food standard setting activities; and, to, ultimately, maximize the reliance of Arab countries on Codex standards for the establishment of national food regulatory requirements. 

Funded through the US Codex Office, US Department of Agriculture.

The Arab Codex undertaking leverages and supports:

  • The coordination and leadership of the Codex Coordinating Committee for the Near East (CCNE) Coordinator.
  • The sustainability of accomplishments of the Arab Codex Initiative implemented as part of the Arab Food Safety Initiative for
    Trade Facilitation (SAFE).

The Arab Codex collaboration promotes:

  • The development of communities of practice in targeted countries to facilitate effective preparation and contribution in Codex Technical Committees, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), and the Executive Committee, where relevant.
  • The enhancement of national Codex capacities.
  • The development of enablers for Codex work, availability of data and of information exchange tools, etc.

Expert Working Groups (EWGs)

The Arab Codex Project is establishing Expert Working Groups (EWGs) to facilitate the analysis of Codex Technical Committee documentation, in support of the preparation of participation by Arab Codex delegations in such committees, including the development of national positions.

An EWG will be setup for select Codex Committees and composed of experts from the Arab region, specialized in Food Regulatory Science; and, possessing relevant Committee-specific experience. EWG members will be identified:

  • From the pool of graduates of the Food Risk Assessment Initiative carried out under the auspices of SAFE.
  • Through a recommendation by the National Codex Contact Points or National Codex Committees of Arab region countries.
  • By direct application to GFoRSS / PARERA. Independent experts are welcome to apply.

Interested in becoming an EWG member?

ARAB Codex News and Future Events


codex members


codex observers


codex committees

Codex coordination meetings

Arab and Gulf Countries.

The newly created Arab Codex Office of the Arab Industrial Development Standardization and Mining Organization (AIDSMO) is leading the organization of coordination meetings of Arab Codex Contact points, primarily to support the preparation of participation by Arab Codex delegations in Codex proceedings. These meetings allow, among other objectives, the opportunity to review and analyze agenda items, contributing to more effective participation of Arab Delegations in Codex committee meetings.

Le bureau du Codex Arabe, nouvellement créé par L’organisation Arabe pour le Développement industriel, de normalisation et des mines (AIDSMO), se charge d’organiser des réunions de coordination des points de contact Codex des délégations arabes, dans le but d’une meilleure préparation de ces délégations aux rencontres du Codex. Ces réunions, permettent entre autres, d’examiner et d’analyser les éléments de l’ordre du jour des comités Codex en soutien à une participation plus efficace des délégations arabes à ces comités.

لقد تم حديثا إنشاء المكتب العربي للدستور الغذائي من قبل المنظمة العربية للتنمية الصناعية والتقييس والتعدين حيث سيتولى مهمة تنظيم اجتماعات تنسيقية لنقاط الاتصال العربية للدستور الغذائي، وذلك بهدف تمكين ممثلي الدول العربية للمشاركة في اجتماعات هيئة الدستور الغذائي والتحضير بشكل جيد وفعال لاجتماعات لجانها من خلال معالجة وتحليل بنود جداول أعمالها

Coordination Meetings • CAC47 • 2024

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCEXEC86 • 21 June 2024 

3rd Arab Codex Colloquium  • 11-13 June 2024 • Amman, Jordan

25th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 27 May 2024

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Reviewing Relevant CCPR55 Agenda Items: Video
    • 6: MRLs for pesticides in food and feed (at Steps 7 and 4)
    • 8: Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review
    • 10: Establishment of Codex schedules and priority lists of pesticides for evaluation/re-evaluation by JMPR
    • 13: Analysis of previous decisions by CCPR to establish MRLs for tomato and pepper to establish corresponding MRLs in eggplant
  • Reviewing Best Practices in Preparing to Codex Committee of Pesticide Residues (CCPR55): Presentation Video
  • Developing Procedures Related to Guidelines for Effective Participation in the Activities of the Arab Codex Initiative: Video
  • The Third Arab Codex Colloquium – 2024: Video
  • Meeting Report: English Français العربي
  • Meeting Video: Live Recording
  • EWG Analysis of Relevant CCPR55 Agenda Items

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCPR55 • 20 May 2024 

24th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 18 April 2024

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Reviewing Relevant CCFA54 Agenda Items:
    • CCFA54 Introduction: Presentation Video
    • 3.11: Matters related to azodicarbonamide (INS 927a): Presentation Video
    • 4.1: Endorsement and/or revision of maximum levels for food additives and processing aids in Codex standards: Presentation Video
    • 4.2: Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards – Report of the Electronic Working Group on Alignment: Presentation Video
    • 5.1: General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA): Report of the Electronic Working Group on the GSFA: Presentation Video
    • 5.2: General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA): Proposals for new and/or revision of food additive provisions (replies to CL 2023/46-FA): Presentation Video
    • 6.1 and 6.2: Proposed draft revision to the class names and the international numbering system (ins) for food additives: Presentation Video
    • 7: Proposals for additions and changes to the priority list of substances proposed for evaluation by JECFA (replies to CL 2023/47-FA): Presentation Video
    • 8: Discussion paper on divergence between the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA), Codex commodity standards and other texts – Identification of outstanding issues: Presentation Video
    • 9: Discussion paper on the development of a standard for baker’s yeast: Presentation Video
  • Meeting Report: English Français العربي
  • Meeting Video: Live Recording
  • EWG Analysis of Relevant CCFA54 Agenda Items

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCMAS43 • 9 April 2024 

23rd Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 4 April 2024

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Reviewing Relevant CCCF17 Agenda Items:
    • 3: Matters of interest arising from FAO and WHO including the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives: Video
    • 5.1: Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories (at Step 4): Presentation Video
    • 6.1: Sampling plans for methylmercury in fish (at Step 4): Presentation Video
    • 7: Definition for ready-to-eat peanuts for the establishment of a maximum level for total aflatoxins in this product: Presentation Video
    • 9.1: Code of practice/guidelines for the prevention or reduction of ciguatera poisoning (At Step 4): Presentation Video
    • 13: Discussion paper on Lead and Cadmium in Quinoa: Presentation Video
    • 14: Discussion Paper on the Review of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts: Presentation Video
    • 15: Discussion Paper on Review of the Code of Practice for the Reduction of Aflatoxin B1 in Raw Materials and Supplemental Feedingstuffs for Milk-producing Animals: Presentation Video
    • 16.1: Development of a Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in foods: Presentation Video
  • Meeting Report: English Français العربي
  • Meeting Video: Live Recording
  • EWG Analysis of Relevant CCCF17 Agenda Items

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCFA54 • 2 April 2024 

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCCF17 • 19 March 2024 

22nd Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 26 February 2024

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Reviewing Relevant CCFH54 Agenda Items:
    • 5: Guidelines for the control of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts – Proposed draft Annex II on fresh leafy vegetables and Annex VI on sprouts: Presentation Video
    • 6: Guidelines for the safe use and reuse of water in food production and processing (Annex II on fishery products at Step 4 and Annex III on dairy products at Step 4): Presentation Video
    • 8: Proposed draft Guidelines for food hygiene control measures traditional markets for food at Step 4: Presentation Video
    • 9: Alignment of Codex texts developed by CCFH with the revised General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969): Presentation Video
  • Meeting Report: English Français العربي
  • Meeting Video: Live Recording
  • EWG Analysis of Relevant CCFH54 Agenda Items

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCFH54 • 21 February 2024 

21st Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 5 February 2024

CCAFRICA-CCLAC-CCNE-US Interregional Colloquium • CCSCH7 • 16 January 2024 

20th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points  • 15 January 2024

Coordination Meetings • CAC46 • 2023

19th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 21 November 2023

18th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 26 September 2023

17th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 13 September 2023

16th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 12 July 2023

15th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 21 June 2023

Second Codex Colloquium | 10 – 11 June 2023, Muscat, Oman

14th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 10 May 2023

13th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 27 April 2023

12th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 4 April 2023

11th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 23 March 2023

10th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 1 March 2023

9th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 2 February 2023

Coordination Meetings • CAC45 • 2022

8th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 24 January 2023​​

7th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 15 November 2022​

6th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 12 September 2022

5th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 25 August 2022

Exceptional Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points on Zilpaterol | 3 August 2022

4th Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 30 June 2022

3rd Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 15 June 2022

1st Codex Public Meeting of the National Contact Points and Stakeholders from the Arab Region | 26 April 2022

2nd Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 19 April 2022

Inaugural Codex Coordination Meeting of the Arab National Contact Points | 4 April 2022

Codex Colloquium | 12 – 14 September 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


codex standards


codex guidelines


codex codes of practice

Codex resources

A repository of proposed resources prepared by the ARAB Codex Expert Working Group (EWG), for use by Codex partners and stakeholders in the region
to support their preparation and participation in Codex proceedings.

The documentation offers a review and analysis of the agenda items planned for discussion at Codex Committees and is intended for possible use by
the Codex communities of practice promoted by GFoRSS and PARERA, as part of their contribution to enhancing awareness and
supporting effective participation in international food standard setting meetings (Codex meetings) by representatives from members and observers.

The analysis provided offers a factual review of agenda items, their background and a discussion of some considerations. This analysis is indicative in nature and
does not represent an official position of the organizations mentioned above (PARERA and GFoRSS), their membership or their management.

This review is prepared as part of the ARAB Codex Initiative, implemented by PARERA and GFoRSS and funded by the US Codex Office, US Department of Agriculture.