arab Codex EWG analysis
Proposed review and analysis with respect to CCRVDF agenda items of relevance to the region.
*It is important to note that experts – members of the Expert Working Group (EWG) – do not represent the organizations and / or jurisdictions
to which they are affiliated. The selection and participation in the EWG proceedings is based on each expert’s own credentials and experience
which should not be misconstrued as the country’s / delegation’s / organization’s position to which they belong.
Information on the Standard Related to MRLs for Zilpaterol
Discussed at CAC45 and CAC46
- Review of International Risk Assessment of Zilpaterol (including JECFA Assessments): Review | Presentation | Live Recording
26th Session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF26)
13-17 February 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Information Update: Strong Contribution by Arab Codex Delegations to the CCRVDF26 of 13-17 February 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Agenda Item 6 – MRLs for veterinary drugs in foods: English | Français | العربية
- 6.1: MRLs for Ivermectin (sheep, pigs and goats – fat, kidney, liver and muscle) at Step 7
- 6.2: MRLs for Ivermectin (pigs, sheep and goats) and Nicarbazin (chicken) at Step 4
- Agenda Item 7 – Extrapolation of MRLs for veterinary drugs in foods: English | Français | العربية
- 7.1: Extrapolated MRLs for different combinations of compounds/commodities at Step 4
- 7.2: Approach for the extrapolation of MRLs for residues of veterinary drugs for offal tissues
- Agenda Item 8 – Criteria or requirements for the establishment of action levels for unintended or unavoidable carryover from feed to food of animal origin: English | Français | العربية
- Agenda Item 9: Coordination of work between CCPR and CCRVDF: English | Français | العربية
- 9.1: Matters of interest arising from the Joint CCPR/CCRVDF Working Group
- 9.2: Work in parallel on issues pertaining to harmonization of edible offal i.e. Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989) and Food descriptors – Coordination between JECFA/JMPR
- Agenda Item 10: Priority list of veterinary drugs for evaluation or re-evaluation by JECFA: English | Français | العربية
Video: Introduction of the CCRVDF25 Expert Working Group Members