1st Global Food Regulatory Science Symposium 2021

4 Day Event: 17 and 20 – 22 November 2021 | Hybrid Format –
in Person and Virtual | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Symposium will include several workshops that cover various areas of food regulatory scientific disciplines – i.e. disciplines that underpin food regulatory programs and decisions – in line with the objectives of GFoRSS to support
knowledge dissemination and transfer, as well as, competency enhancement, in the various relevant disciplines, globally.

The Symposium is open to all stakeholders working in areas related to Food Regulatory Science and is free of charge for participants joining Virtually.

Participation in person, is managed through the registration system of the Dubai International Food Safety Conference (DIFSC).


Day 1 / Webinar 1: 17 November 2021 | Arab Food Regulatory Science Workshop
Agenda: English | Français | العربية
Reviewing Best Practices in Food Regulatory Development: Presentation
Updates of GSO-Current & Future Perspective: Presentation
 Recent accomplishments of the National Office of Food Safety (ONSSA) and future directions: Presentation
Harmonization of Food Safety Standards to Enhance Regional Trade Facts and Progress: Presentation
 Codex Initiative for the Middle East and North Africa (to be relabeled Arab Codex Initiative): Presentation

Day 2 / Webinar 2: 20 November 2021 | Food Risk Analysis Workshop
Agenda: English | Français | العربية
Official Opening and Introductory Remarks: Video
Importance of Risk Analysis as a Foundation for Robust Food Regulatory Decision-Making: Presentation, Video
Use of Household Survey as a Surrogate to Access Food Consumption: Presentation, Video

Towards a Common Methodology for Consumption Data Collection in the Arab Region: Video
Food Monitoring and Surveillance Systems – the Jordanian Experience: Presentation, Video
A Proposed Approach to Address Data Gaps Through Data Mining Initiatives: Presentation, Video
Priorities of Capacity Development Identified through the Arab Codex Initiative: Presentation, Video
Addressing A Follow-up Action from the Arab Codex Community: Introducing Food Allergen Management: Presentation, Video 1
, Video 2, Video 3
Importance of Food Control Systems Assessment and their Implementation: Presentation, Video

Day 3 / Webinar 3: 21 November 2021 | Workshop on Best Practices in Food Regulatory Management and their Enablers
 Agenda: English | Français | العربية
Latest Developments in the European Food Regulatory Landscape: Video
Latest Developments in the Activities and Future Directions of China’s National Centre of Food Safety Risk Assessment: Video
Updates on the Management and Standards Development Associated with Special Foods and Portion Control as a Regulatory Risk Management Instrument for Bioactive Substances in Food: Presentation, Video
Introducing AOAC International and its leadership in fostering food laboratory community supporting regulatory decision-making worldwide: Video
Setting the Stage for the Creation of the Arab Section of AOAC International: Presentation

PCR-Based Techniques Applied to Detection of Meat Species as Part of Halal Compliance verification systems: Video
Method Validation and Verification Approaches for Mycotoxin Rapid Determination Tools: Video
Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis Techniques, an Overview: Presentation, Video
Introduction of the Activities of the AOAC SSA and its support to the food laboratory community in Africa: Presentation Video
Reviewing the Outcomes of Food Laboratory Capacity Building Program in Africa: Presentation, Video
Discussing Future Perspectives in Structuring the Food Laboratory Community in Africa and the Arab Region: Presentation, Video
Reviewing GFoRSS’ initiatives in Supporting Capacity Building in Food Regulatory Science Regionally and Globally: Video
Launching the Journal of the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (JGFoRSS): Presentation, Video

Day 4 / Webinar 4: 22 November 2021 from 10:00 – 15:00 | Workshop on Digital Transition of Food Safety Practices
Agenda: English | Français | العربية
Changing Phenomenon of Food Safety Practices in the Digital Age: Presentation, Video
Identification of SPS and Capacity Building Needs through the P-IMA Tool: Video
Lessons Learned: Sharing Experiences of Moving to a Digitalized System: Video
Remote Services in Food Safety and Ensuring Compliance in the Age of COVID: Presentation, Video
Industry Perspective: Video
Developed Country Experiences in Implementing Paperless Use of Electronic Certificate: PresentationVideo Part 1, Video Part 2
Experience of Implementing Digitalized Electronic Certificate Systems: Video
World Customs Organization Perspective on the Codex Guideline related to Paperless Use of
Electronic Certificates: Video

Day 4 / Webinar 5: 22 November 2021 from 15:30 – 16:45
Conclusion of the 1st Global Food Regulatory Science Symposium – Changing Food Regulatory Landscapes and the Imperatives of Modernization
 Agenda: English | Français | العربية
Investing in Food Safety Infrastructure and Programs as part of the One Health Agenda – Perspectives for the Arab region: Presentation, Video