arab section of AOAC international

Strengthening the Contribution of ARAB Countries in Food Conformity Assessment Activities, in particular,
Laboratory Testing through Active Participation in the Development and Validation of Standard Methods and Technologies.


The creation of the Arab Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL was approved by its Board of Directors on 14 March 2022. The Section is hosted by the Arab Industrial Development, Mining and Standardization Organization (AIDSMO) and the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS) provides operational oversight. The Arab Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL aims to support analytical sciences through the promotion of quality measurements and methods validation by:

  • Promoting interest and participation in the Association’s purpose and programs;
  • Providing a regional focus and forum for the Association and its members and for addressing analytical needs in the Arab region;
  • Providing a means of increasing the knowledge and technical skills of food and agriculture analytical scientists especially through seminars, forums, workshops and other similar technical updates;
  • Providing a means to improve communications with the Association’s membership;
  • Identifying and communicating with appropriate non-member laboratories, organizations, educational institutions, firms and individuals in the Arab region in order to encourage their participation in Section and Association programs; and
  • Developing cooperative relationships with educational institutions, government, industry, and other organizations in the Arab region with an interest in analytical method development and validation.

Our Sponsors

A hearty THANK YOU to our SPONSORS, whose generosity and gracious support make the Arab AOAC initiative possible – CHEERS! 

Introductory Video


AOAC Arab Section membership is open to any scientist from government, industry, or academia from the Arab Region.

Interested in Becoming a Member?

AOAC Arab Section News and Future Events


To strengthen the contribution of Arab Countries in food conformity assessment activities through active participation in the development and validation of standard analytical methods.


To become a leader of analytical excellence, bringing together scientists from government, industry, and academia to establish standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products that impact public health in the Arab Region.


We aim to achieve our mission through encouraging the growth of our membership, rich in its diversity and by striving to ensure all our members feel rewarded in belonging to the Arab Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

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