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To promote the development of competencies, know-how and knowledge - including scientific, policy analysis - which underpin food regulatory decisions and support the development and implementation of food control systems.


To be the global leader in the generation and dissemination of decisive food regulatory scientific knowledge and competencies that underpin food regulatory decisions and help modernize food control systems internationally.


To achieve our mission and realize our vision, GFoRSS espouses core values promoting transparency, encouraging inclusiveness, upholding collaboration and advocating independence - as guiding principles - in the conduct of its business.

who we are

GFoRSS is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in Canada and hosted by the Food Risk Analysis and Regulatory Excellence Platform (PARERA), a joint endeavor of the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences and the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) of the Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada. GFoRSS is a disciplinary organization of  the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), devoted to food regulatory science.

GFoRSS aims to promote the generation and dissemination of knowledge and competencies related to food regulatory sciences, that is, the sciences underpinning food regulatory decisions as a multi-disciplinary field of food science, including, but not limited to, the application of food risk analysis and associated disciplines, the development of food laws and the assessment of economic impacts of food regulatory measures.

testimonials from our Board of Directors

The impetus behind the creation of GFoRSS? Let's hear it from the Society's Executive Board:

Through building strong networks and investing in effective communication, GFoRSS can share experiences internationally – we are fortunate to be in an era where access to information is within everyone’s reach!

Prof. Kaushik Banerjee

We are constantly facing new challenges which represent tremendous opportunities – the GFoRSS platform seizes such opportunities, such scientific and technological advances and shares them with the world.

Dr. Pamela Byrne
Republic of Ireland

Relying on science and evidence is paramount – GFoRSS supports data collection, under one scientific framework – to support countries in making robust science-based food regulatory decisions!

Prof. Junshi Chen
People's Republic of China

The promotion of scientific knowledge and dissemination of expertise, including the strengthening of skills in all areas related to regulatory sciences, is only possible by uniting people who share this common mission… GFoRSS makes this happen! 

Ms. Zeineb El Bouchikhi

A scientific society dedicated to the various disciplines that we call regulatory sciences will no doubt result in better food control systems globally for the benefit of consumers and economies.

Prof. Samuel Godefroy

GFoRSS, with its experience, management capacity and network of specialists – at the global level – can greatly support the generation of key capacities in developing countries and in raising awareness among government authorities.

Ms. Nuri Gras Rebolledo

Developing countries must build capacity and laboratory versatility to better manage expanding food control priorities and emerging food safety issues – GFoRSS will help fill these gaps through the generation and dissemination of data at the national and regional levels.

Dr. Wiem Guissouma

GFoRSS helps bridge the gap between regulatory bodies, academia and the private sector, which contributes to achieving a robust food safety system.

Ms. Joyce Haddad

GFoRSS, in collaboration with all actors and stakeholders of the food production system, will help ensure consumers – globally –  have access to safe food and that food producers have a predictable, favourable and sustainable environment.

Mr. Greg Paoli

WHAt we do

Our key areas of intervention - from development to implementation - in promoting food regulatory scientific disciplines.

Knowledge Generation and Competency Development

GFoRSS supports investment in food regulatory scientific knowledge generation by addressing gaps ... READ MORE

Knowledge Communication and Transfer

GFoRSS propagates best practices in applying scientific disciplines associated with food regulatory ... READ MORE

Support to Education in Food Regulatory Science

GFoRSS endorses learning programs in scientific disciplines associated with food regulatory sciences ... READ MORE

Network Development

GFoRSS supports the development of networks amongst communities of food regulators and among ... READ MORE


GFoRSS develops close ties and partnerships with other national and international not-for-profit ... READ MORE

Expanding Horizons

GFoRSS continuously aims to develop and implement new and innovative projects that promote the ... READ MORE


membership countries


international experts


Meet our team

The GFoRSS team consists of current and former scientists, regulators and professionals working in disciplines related to food regulatory science from food regulatory agencies (at any level of government), non-governmental organizations, service providers and academic institutions.