Welcome to the 1st Codex Training and Outreach Meeting Destined to South-West Pacific Codex Contact Points held under the auspices of the South-West Pacific Codex Initiative (SWP Codex): a Codex capacity building initiative, funded by the US Codex Office (USCO) and the Codex Program of the Australian Government (DAFF – Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry). The SWP Codex is implemented by the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS), in collaboration with Landolakes – Venture 37, in partnership with the Codex Contact Points of Australia and New-Zealand.
Supporting Documents
Proposed Agenda
Participant List
Introducing the Codex Initiative for the South-West Pacific
Capacity Building Program – SW Pacific Codex – Foundations of Codex Work
Statements of Principle – taken from the Codex Procedural Manual (27th Ed., 2019)
Codex Operations
Codex Alimentarius Commission – Summary of Structure
The Elaboration of Codex Standards – Summary of the Step Process
Enhancing Participation in Codex Activities – Discussion
Facilitated Discussion – SWOT Analysis
Introduction of Risk Analysis – The Foundation of the Food Safety and Nutrition Decision-Making Framework
Provision of Scientific Advice in Codex
Discussion Points – Scientific Advice in Support of Codex Standard Setting
Noni Fruit Juice:
Noni Discussions: Draft regional standard for fermented noni fruit juice (at Step 7)
A quantitative comparison of phytochemical components in global noni fruits and their commercial products (2010)
Identification of TLC Markers and Quantification by HPLC-MS of Various Constituents in Noni Fruit Powder and Commercial Noni-Derived Products (2007)
The ripening and aging of noni fruits (Morinda citrifolia L.): microbiological flora and antioxidant compounds (2007)
Determination and Comparative Analysis of Major Iridoids in Different Parts and Cultivation Sources of Morinda citrifolia (2010)
Identification of (2E,4Z,7Z)-Decatrienoic Acid in Noni Fruit and Its Use in Quality Screening of Commercial Noni Products (2011)
Thin Layer Chromatography Methods for Rapid Identity Testing of Morinda citrifolia L. (Noni) Fruit and Leaf (2010)
Review of Priority Agenda Items – CCCF15, CCPR53 and CCSCH6 – for Consideration by CAC45
The Role of Science in the Codex Decision-Making Process – Case Approach – Zilpaterol MRLs in Codex
Review of International Risk Assessment of Zilpaterol – Including JECFA