1st SWP Codex Colloquium | Training and Outreach Destined to SWP Codex Contact Points | 8 – 9 November 2022 | Auckland, New Zealand

The 1st Codex Training and Outreach Meeting Destined to South-West Pacific Codex Contact Points, held under the auspices of the South-West Pacific Codex Initiative (SWP Codex): a Codex capacity building initiative, funded by the US Codex Office (USCO) and the Codex Program of the Australian Government (DAFF – Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry). The SWP Codex is implemented by the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS), in collaboration with Landolakes – Venture 37, in partnership with the Codex Contact Points of Australia and New-Zealand.

The objective of this training and outreach initiative is to support the South-West Pacific Codex Community to review the key foundations of Codex Standards Development with a focus on:

  • The importance of science-driven standard setting.
  • The contribution to the advancement of standard setting through promotion of consensus.

This training and awareness-raising session will also allow the review of some best practices related to national position development.