ASIA Codex Initiative

To enhance Codex capacity in the Asian region.


The Asia Codex Initiative is funded by the US Codex Office and implemented by LandO’Lakes Venture 37, in collaboration with the Global Food Regulatory Science Society (GFoRSS).

The Asia Codex Initiative is a capacity building project aiming to enhance Codex competencies in the Asian region, to promote effective participation of the region’s delegations in international food standard setting activities; and, to, ultimately, maximize the reliance of Asian countries on Codex standards for the establishment of national food regulatory requirements. 

The Asia Codex collaboration promotes:

  • The development of communities of practice in targeted countries to facilitate effective preparation and contribution in Codex Technical Committees, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), and the Executive Committee, where relevant.
  • The enhancement of national Codex capacities.
  • The development of enablers for Codex work, availability of data and of information exchange tools, etc.

Expert Working Groups (EWGs)

The Asia Codex Project establishes Expert Working Groups (EWGs) to facilitate the analysis of Codex Technical Committee documentation, in support of the preparation of participation by Asia Codex delegations in such committees, including the development of national positions.

An EWG will be setup for select Codex Committees and composed of experts from the Asian region, specialized in Food Regulatory Science; and, possessing relevant Committee-specific experience.

Asia Codex News and Future Events


codex members


codex observers


codex committees

Codex coordination meetings

Dedicated to Countries in the Asia Region.

South East Asia Codex Roundtable

(Tentative) Date: 29 August 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

CCASIA-US Codex Colloquium (Virtual)

2 April 2024 @ 21:00 Washington Time • 3 April 2024 @ 9:00 Beijing Time, 8:00 Bangkok Time

CCASIA Codex Colloquium 2023

15-16 November 2023, Xiamen, China

2nd Meeting of the Codex Roundtable for South-East Asia

9 May 2022 from 9.30 -12.30 Singapore Time

Proposed Meeting Agenda (Including Zoom Details)

Supporting Documents:

  • Agenda Item 4 – Discussion of Analysis of Selected Agenda Items Related to CCFL47
    • Review of CCFL47 Agenda: CX/FL 23/47/1
    • CCFL47 Analysis of Agenda Items 5, 6, 7, 10: Summary Presentation
    • Agenda Item 5 – Food Allergen Labelling: Analysis Document
    • Agenda Items 6, 7 and 10: Analysis Document
      • Agenda Item 6: Proposed draft Guidance on the Provision of Food Information for Prepackaged Foods to be Offered via e-commerce: Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (supplementary text): CX/FL 23/47/6, CX/FL 23/47/6 Add.1 (country comments)
      • Agenda Item 7: Proposed draft Guidelines on the Use of Technology to Provide Food Information: Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
      • Agenda Item 10: Labelling exemptions in emergency situations 


codex standards


codex guidelines


codex codes of practice

Codex resources

A repository of proposed resources prepared by the Asia Codex Expert Working Group (EWG), for use by Codex partners and stakeholders in the region
to support their preparation and participation in Codex proceedings.

The documentation offers a review and analysis of the agenda items planned for discussion at Codex Committees and is intended for possible use by the Codex communities of practice promoted by GFoRSS, as part of its contribution to enhancing awareness and supporting effective participation in international food standard setting meetings (Codex meetings) by representatives from members and observers.

The analysis provided offers a factual review of agenda items, their background and a discussion of some considerations. This analysis is indicative in nature and does not represent an official position of the organizations mentioned above, their membership or their management.

This review is prepared as part of the Asia Codex Initiative.

Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR)

Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)

Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF)

Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF)

Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP)