asia Codex EWG analysis
Proposed review and analysis with respect to CCNFSDU agenda items of relevance to the region.
44th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU44)
2-6 October 2024, Dresden, Germany
- Agenda Items 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.2.1, 7, 8, 9: English
- Agenda Item 2: Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies
- Agenda Item 3: Matters of interest arising from FAO and WHO
- Agenda Item 4.1: General principles for the establishment of NRVs-R for persons aged 6 – 36 months (Comments at Step 7)
- Agenda Item 4.2: NRVs-R for persons aged 6 – 36 months (Comments at Step 4)
- Agenda Item 5: Technological justification for several food additives
- Agenda Item 6.1: Guideline for the preliminary assessment to identify and prioritize new work for CCNFSDU
- Agenda Item 6.2: Proposals for new work/emerging issues (replies to CL 2024/52-NFSDU)
- Agenda Item 6.2.1: Discussion paper on harmonized probiotic guidelines for use in foods and food supplements
- Agenda Item 7: Review of texts under the purview of CCNFSDU
- Agenda Item 8: Discussion paper on use of fructans, beta-carotene, lycopene in Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants (CXS 72-1981)
- Agenda Item 9: Discussion paper on methods of assessing the sweetness of carbohydrate sources in the Standard for Follow-up Formula (CXS 156-1987)